AIRTEA- Identification of Farmers for African Indigenous Vegetable (AIV)

Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

Respondents categorisation by districts [All Regions]

Respondents categorisation by sex [All Regions]

Respondents categorisation by age [All Regions]

Respondents categorisation by age group [All Regions]

Education levels of Respondents [All Regions]

Marital Status of interviewed farmers [All Regions]

Respondents' relationships to household heads [All Regions]

a1.0. Is respondent the household head? [All Regions]

a1.1. Gender of household head [All Regions]

a1.2. Level of education of household head [All Regions]

a1.3 Age of household head [All Regions]

a1.4. Marital status of the household head [All Regions]

a1.5. Employment status of household head [All Regions]

a1.6a Since January 2023 has your household grown AIV? [All Regions]

a1.6b Since January 2023 has your household sold any AIV? [All Regions]

a1.8. Relationship of farmer to Household Head [All Regions]

a1.9. How many members make up your household? [All Regions]

a2.1a. How long have you been involved in tomato farming? [All Regions]

a2.1b. How long have you been involved in pumpkin farming? [All Regions]

a2.1c. How long have you been involved in nakati farming? [All Regions]

a2.1d. How long have you been involved in doodo/bugga farming? [All Regions]

a2.1e. How long have you been involved in ntula farming? [All Regions]

a2.2a. What is the main source of labour for farming? [All Regions]

a2.2c. What kind of equipment do you use for farming? [All Regions]

a2.3. What size of land (acres) are you using for farming in total for all crops? [All Regions]

a2.4a. What is the ownership of the land you used for AIV production? [All Regions]

a2.4b. How much of your own land (acres) do you use for AIV farming [All Regions]

a2.4c. How much hired/borrowed land (acres) do you use for AIV farming? [All Regions]

g1.1. Non-AIV income sources during the last one year [All Regions]

g1.6. Who controls the use of income from non-AIV sources? [All Regions]

h1.1 Which Agricultural/production equipment do you currently have in your household [All Regions]

h2.1 Which livestock does your household currently have? [All Regions]

h3.0. What kind of house do you live in? [All Regions]

h3.1. Durable goods that your household currently has [All Regions]