AIRTEA- Identification of Farmers for African Indigenous Vegetable (AIV)

Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

Description Results
Interview period 31-May-2024 to 28-Jun-2024
Total number of Respondents 311 [Male:144 Female:167]
Number of Districts 8
Interview duration (number of minutes per respondent) Avg: 83 Min: 19 Max: 4,218
a1.7a Distance from homesteads nearest market center (walking minutes) Avg: 45 Min: 1 Max: 300
a1.7b Distance from homesteads to nearest all-weather road (walking minutes) Avg: 10 Min: 1 Max: 180
a1.7c Distance from homesteads to nearest public health facility (walking minutes) Avg: 78 Min: 1 Max: 420
a2.2b. Cost of hired labour (UGX) per crop season Avg: 287,500 Min: 3 Max: 1,500,000
a2.2d. Cost of hiring farm equipment (UGX) per crop season Avg: 155,796 Min: 3,000 Max: 700,000
a2.6a. Number of hired labour by AIV farmer before joining the AIRTEA project (or 3 years ago) for AIV crop production Avg: 2 Min: 1 Max: 10
a2.6b. Number of current hired labour by AIV farmer (after joining the AIRTEA project) for AIV crop production Avg: 3 Min: 1 Max: 12
b4.14b. Yield of AIV crop (kgs per acre) from one plot per season Avg: 4,922.73 Min: 0.48 Max: 325,950.00
g1.5 Income from non-AIV sources (UGX) in the last one year Avg: 2,010,450,917 Min: 72 Max: 250,000,000,000
h1.3. Farmer's own estimated values (UGX) of current production assets in their current conditions Avg: 22,269 Min: 1 Max: 8,000,000
h2.3. Farmer's own estimated values (UGX) of their current livestock in their current status Avg: 538,707 Min: 1 Max: 9,000,000
h3.3. Farmer's own estimated values (UGX) of current household durable goods in their current conditions Avg: 337,301 Min: 1 Max: 12,000,000

Respondents categorisation by districts [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
2560101 Buikwe 24 7.72
2560110 Kayunga 45 14.47
2560114 Luweero 13 4.18
2560118 Mityana 101 32.48
2560121 Mukono 23 7.40
2560122 Nakaseke 12 3.86
2560204 Bugiri 47 15.11
2560214 Jinja 46 14.79
Overall 311 100.00

Respondents categorisation by sex [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
00 Female 167 53.70
01 Male 144 46.30
Overall 311 100.00

Respondents categorisation by age [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Below 18 years 2 0.64
02 18-35 years 101 32.48
03 36-50 years 112 36.01
04 51-65 years 76 24.44
05 Above 65 years 20 6.43
Overall 311 100.00

Respondents categorisation by age group [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Below (18 years) 2 0.64
02 Youth (18-35 years) 101 32.48
03 Adult (Above 35 years) 208 66.88
Overall 311 100.00

Education levels of Respondents [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
00 No formal eduction 19 6.11
01 Primary 131 42.12
02 Secondary (O-Level) 119 38.26
03 Secondary (A-Level) 24 7.72
04 Diploma Level 9 2.89
05 University Degree 2 0.64
06 Tertiary level 7 2.25
Overall 311 100.00

Marital Status of interviewed farmers [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Single 43 13.83
02 Married 242 77.81
03 Separated or Divorced 7 2.25
04 Widowed 19 6.11
Overall 311 100.00

Respondents' relationships to household heads [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Household head 181 58.20
02 Spouse 102 32.80
03 Son/daughter 23 7.40
04 Parent 1 0.32
07 Grandchild 4 1.29
Overall 311 100.00

a1.0. Is respondent the household head? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
00 No 109 35.05
01 Yes 202 64.95
Overall 311 100.00

a1.1. Gender of household head [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
00 Female 81 26.05
01 Male 230 73.95
Overall 311 100.00

a1.2. Level of education of household head [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
00 No formal eduction 15 4.82
01 Primary 128 41.16
02 Secondary (O-Level) 127 40.84
03 Secondary (A-Level) 23 7.40
04 Diploma Level 6 1.93
05 University Degree 6 1.93
06 Tertiary level 6 1.93
Overall 311 100.00

a1.3 Age of household head [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
02 18-35 years 64 20.58
03 36-50 years 115 36.98
04 51-65 years 103 33.12
05 Above 65 years 29 9.32
Overall 311 100.00

a1.4. Marital status of the household head [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Single 22 7.07
02 Married 257 82.64
03 Separated or Divorced 6 1.93
04 Widowed 26 8.36
Overall 311 100.00

a1.5. Employment status of household head [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Employed (formal) 27 8.68
02 Employed (informal) 113 36.33
03 Unemployed 171 54.98
Overall 311 100.00

a1.6a Since January 2023 has your household grown AIV? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
00 No 1 0.32
01 Yes 310 99.68
Overall 311 100.00

a1.6b Since January 2023 has your household sold any AIV? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
00 No 10 3.23
01 Yes 300 96.77
Overall 310 100.00

a1.8. Relationship of farmer to Household Head [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Household head 182 58.52
02 Spouse 101 32.48
03 Son/daughter 19 6.11
04 Parent 5 1.61
07 Grandchild 4 1.29
Overall 311 100.00

a1.9. How many members make up your household? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 1-3 members 40 12.86
02 4-6 members 141 45.34
03 7-9 members 99 31.83
04 10 plus members 31 9.97
Overall 311 100.00

a2.1a. How long have you been involved in tomato farming? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Less than 1 year 36 11.58
02 1-5 years 117 37.62
03 6-10 years 29 9.32
04 Above 10 years 43 13.83
99 Not Applicable 86 27.65
Overall 311 100.00

a2.1b. How long have you been involved in pumpkin farming? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Less than 1 year 45 14.47
02 1-5 years 138 44.37
03 6-10 years 17 5.47
04 Above 10 years 27 8.68
99 Not Applicable 84 27.01
Overall 311 100.00

a2.1c. How long have you been involved in nakati farming? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Less than 1 year 35 11.25
02 1-5 years 109 35.05
03 6-10 years 27 8.68
04 Above 10 years 22 7.07
99 Not Applicable 118 37.94
Overall 311 100.00

a2.1d. How long have you been involved in doodo/bugga farming? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Less than 1 year 38 12.22
02 1-5 years 106 34.08
03 6-10 years 31 9.97
04 Above 10 years 40 12.86
99 Not Applicable 96 30.87
Overall 311 100.00

a2.1e. How long have you been involved in ntula farming? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Less than 1 year 40 12.86
02 1-5 years 105 33.76
03 6-10 years 33 10.61
04 Above 10 years 41 13.18
99 Not Applicable 92 29.58
Overall 311 100.00

a2.2a. What is the main source of labour for farming? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Family labour 235 75.56
02 Hired labour 76 24.44
Overall 311 100.00

a2.2c. What kind of equipment do you use for farming? [All Regions]
Note: results are from multiple-choice responses
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Hand hoes (own) 308 99.04
02 Hand hoes (hired/ borrowed) 2 0.64
04 Drought Power/ Oxen (hired/ borrowed) 1 0.32
Overall 311 100.00

a2.3. What size of land (acres) are you using for farming in total for all crops? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 0.25 acres or less 16 5.14
02 0.5-1 acres 90 28.94
03 2-5 acres 171 54.98
04 More than 5 acres 34 10.93
Overall 311 100.00

a2.4a. What is the ownership of the land you used for AIV production? [All Regions]
Note: results are from multiple-choice responses
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Own 265 85.21
02 Rent 29 9.32
03 Communal ownershlp 3 0.96
04 Borrowed 11 3.54
95 Others 3 0.96
Overall 311 100.00

a2.4b. How much of your own land (acres) do you use for AIV farming [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 0.25 acres or less 102 38.49
02 0.5-1 acres 130 49.06
03 2-5 acres 29 10.94
96 None 4 1.51
Overall 265 100.00

a2.4c. How much hired/borrowed land (acres) do you use for AIV farming? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 0.25 acres or less 28 35.44
02 0.5-1 acres 34 43.04
03 2-5 acres 10 12.66
96 None 7 8.86
Overall 79 100.00

g1.1. Non-AIV income sources during the last one year [All Regions]
Note: results are from multiple-choice responses
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Milk 23 7.44
02 Eggs 11 3.56
03 Other livestock products 30 9.71
04 Rented out land 1 0.32
05 Other crops 192 62.14
06 Crop residues 6 1.94
08 Regular employment income 2 0.65
09 Casual employment income 1 0.32
10 Own business 16 5.18
12 Remittances 3 0.97
15 Sale of charcoal, bricks, stones, sand 1 0.32
95 Others 9 2.91
96 None 14 4.53
Overall 309 100.00

g1.6. Who controls the use of income from non-AIV sources? [All Regions]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
00 Female 144 37.70
01 Male 156 40.84
02 Both male and female 82 21.47
Overall 382 100.00

h1.1 Which Agricultural/production equipment do you currently have in your household [All Regions]
Note: results are from multiple-choice responses
Code Description Freq Percent
03 Hoe 310 99.68
06 Pick axe 1 0.32
Overall 311 100.00

h2.1 Which livestock does your household currently have? [All Regions]
Note: results are from multiple-choice responses
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Cows 115 36.98
02 Heifers (young) 2 0.64
03 Calves 2 0.64
04 Bulls 1 0.32
06 Goats 84 27.01
07 Sheep 1 0.32
08 Pigs 31 9.97
09 Rabbits 1 0.32
10 Chickens 50 16.08
15 Ducks 2 0.64
96 None 22 7.07
Overall 311 100.00

h3.0. What kind of house do you live in? [All Regions]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Own permanent house 258 82.96
02 Own semi-permanent house 32 10.29
03 Rented permanent house 19 6.11
04 Rented semi-permanent house 1 0.32
05 Temporary structure 1 0.32
Overall 311 100.00

h3.1. Durable goods that your household currently has [All Regions]
Note: results are from multiple-choice responses
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Bicycle 157 50.48
02 Motorcycle/ Scooter 48 15.43
04 Computer/ laptop 1 0.32
06 Living room furniture 28 9.00
07 Radio/ Radio-cassette 41 13.18
08 Television set 13 4.18
10 Regular mobile phone 16 5.14
11 Smart phone 4 1.29
13 Solar panel 3 0.96
Overall 311 100.00