Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

B. Between Jun2021 - Jun2022, which vegetables were grown by your household [All Regions]

b2. Do you consider the vegetables you harvested as ancestral or introduced? [All Regions]

b5. Where did you obtain Vegetable seeds from? [All Regions]

C. Which main vegetable did you most recently completely harvest? [All Regions]

c3. Location of vegetable plot [All Regions]

c4. Does your household own, borrow or rent the plot of Vegetable? [All Regions]

c5b. Which MONTH was the plot on which the harvested VEGETABLE established? [All Regions]

c6b. Which MONTH was the FIRST harvest of VEGETABLE done on the plot? [All Regions]

c7b. Which MONTH was the LAST harvest of the VEGETABLE done on the Plot? [All Regions]

c12a. Was the vegetable plot irrigated to supplement rain? [All Regions]

c12b. Was fertilizer used in the VEGETABLE plot? [All Regions]

c12c. Was pesticides applied to the VEGETABLE plot? [All Regions]

c13. Was the harvested VEGETABLE inter-cropped? [All Regions]

c14. What was the main crop intercropped with the vegetable? [All Regions]

c15. What was the main Vegetable product? [All Regions]

c16. Which months do you consider to be your MAJOR HARVEST MONTHS for vegetable within Jun2021 - Jun2022 [All Regions]

c18. Did you also harvest VEGETABLE in small amounts for home consumption during major harvest month? [All Regions]

c20. What proportion of the vegetable was sold or used as payment in-kind, if any during major harvest month? [All Regions]

c22. What proportion of the harvested VEGETABLE was given out as gifts, if any during major harvest month? [All Regions]

c23. Which months do you consider to be your MINOR HARVEST MONTHS for the vegetable grown within Jun2021 - Jun2022 [All Regions]

c24. Did you sell any of the vegetable harvested during minor harvest months? [All Regions]

c25. What proportion of the vegetable harvested was sold or used as payment in-kind, if any during minor harvest months. [All Regions]

c27. What proportion of the vegetable harvested was given out as gifts, if any during minor harvest months? [All Regions]

d. What gender activities did your household members engage in related to vegetable production? [All Regions]

e. What equipment do you have or use for vegetable production? [All Regions]

e3. What facilities would you need to boost your vegetable production enterprise [All Regions]