Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

F: What market channels did you use to supply vegetables to the buyers within June2021 - Jun2022 [All Regions]

f4. Main reasons for supplying vegetable to markets within June2021 - Jun2022 [All Regions]

f5. Do you have agreements or contracts with vegetable buyers? [All Regions]

f6. Was the agreement with the vegetable buyer written? [All Regions]

f8. Does the agreement with the vegetable buyer specify period of supply? [All Regions]

f9. Does the agreement or contract with the buyer specify how much vegetable you should supply in a specific time? [All Regions]

f10. Are there quality specifications by the vegetable buyer? [All Regions]

f11. Does the vegetable buyer allow you to sell to other buyers? [All Regions]

f12. Payments are honored as agreed by the vegetable buyer. [All Regions]

f13. I am paid premium price (above market price) by the vegetable buyer [All Regions]

f14. I get other benefits from the vegetable buyer in addition to buying from me. [All Regions]

f14. What benefits do you get from the vegetable buyer in addition to buying your vegetables [All Regions]

f15. There are penalties for breaching the contract with the vegetable buyer [All Regions]

f16. The contract is regularly reviewed between the vegetable buyer and the vegetable farmer [All Regions]

f17. The contract favors the vegetable buyer more than the farmer [All Regions]