Data Collection

Data Collection Tools


As the technologies advances, data collection has become paperless. Therefore all our customers have adopted our model of digital survey using tablets and mobile phones. Due to challenges of internet connectivity in some of the target areas, we develop systems that work both offline and online. With this model, the following are some of the benefits of the package we provide;

  • Results are transmitted to the server almost instantly
  • A lot of programming goes into controlling errors at data collection point which reduces on the data cleaning
  • Team leaders and supervisors receives automated summaries of data and monitor progress in real-time
  • Datasets are shared daily with the supervisors in formats of STATA, SPSS, SASS, EXCEL and CSV
  • Data analysis can start while the field work is still ongoing
  • Technical support to the Enumerators and Supervisors while data collection is in progress


Asking the right question is key to every survey? We design questionnaires with the focus of getting responses that feed into the overall project objectives. If your project has a logframe, we align every question to provide responses to indicators in the logframe.

If you have already a designed your questionnaire, we carry out intensive reviews to realign the questions to the objectives of the study together with you. We provide a second eye into the questionnaire and most of the time if there are key questions missed out, we work together with the original questionnaire designers to include them. While designing the questionnaires, we consider the relevance of the questions to key results, ease of presentation and reduction of face-time with the respondents.


We have developed special skills in training data collectors in using digital tools such as tablets, mobile phones and computers. We train enumerators on professional human-to-human interaction skill while conducting the interviews. Enumerators also receive comprehensive training on principles behind the study, equipped with deep understanding of the questionnaire, the reason behind each question, good handling of tablets or phones during the interviews.

The COVID-19 has also presented a new challenge which has mainly caused trauma to a number of people we interview. Therefore we train enumerators to ask questions in a sensitive way and take all COVID related SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) while conducting interviews.

Do you need standby data collectors? We have data-collectors in many countries ready to handle most of the data collection work. In case you have your own enumerators whom you require us to train, we provide training services free of charge for the tools we have developed.

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