Result Filters

General Overview [All Parishes]

i2. Household members categorised by Sex [All Parishes]

i3. Relationship of household members to Household Head [All Parishes]

i4c. Household members categorised by age [All Parishes]

i5. Marital status of household members [All Parishes]

i6. Ethnicities of household members [All Parishes]

i7. Education levels of household members [All Parishes]

i8a. Are your children still going to school? (children within age range for primary school education) [All Parishes]

i8b. Reasons as to why chilren dropped out of school [All Parishes]

i9a. How often does your children go to school? [All Parishes]

i9b. What time does your children go to school? [All Parishes]

i10a. Are you facing any challenge in educating your children [All Parishes]

i10b. What challenges are you facing in educating your children? [All Parishes]

i10c. How have you been managing the education challenges for your children [All Parishes]

i11a. Is any of your children child receiving any education support or sponsorship (excluding government programs of UPE and USE)? [All Parishes]

i11b. What kind of education support are the children receiving? [All Parishes]

i11c. Who is providing the education support for the children? [All Parishes]

i11d. How did the children become beneficiaries of OCA scholarship, for those under OCA education support [All Parishes]

i11e. How long have the children been in school with the help of OCA scholarship? [All Parishes]

i12. Are your children at home to be interviewed? [All Parishes]

i13a. As a school going child, do you face any difficulties in school? [All Parishes]

i13b. What challenges do you face at school as a school going child? [All Parishes]

i13c. How have you been managing the school challenges as a school going child? [All Parishes]