Result Filters

General Overview [All Parishes]

Farmer Group [All Parishes]

Categorisation of respondents by Sex [All Parishes]

Categorisation of Responsends by Age groups [All Parishes]

Respondents categorisation into Youth or Adult [All Parishes]

Respondent education levels [All Parishes]

Phone number ownership [All Parishes]

Marital Status of Respondents [All Parishes]

Relationship of Respondents to Household Heads [All Parishes]

a1. Household types [All Parishes]

a2b. Household sizes [All Parishes]

h1. Has your household influenced or contributed towards a positive change in the community in the last one year? [All Parishes]

h2. How many meals does your household eat in a day [All Parishes]

h3. In the last season, did your household have surplus food to sell and you still remained with enough for feeding until next harvest? [All Parishes]

h4a. Is the female household head in this household in any leadership position (either in the group or other places)? [All Parishes]

h4b. What kind of leadership roles does the female household head participate in? [All Parishes]