Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

c1. What is your household's most commonly used source of water? [All Regions]

c2. Do you pay for the water from this source? [All Regions]

c4a. Do you do anything to the water to make it safer to drink? [All Regions]

c4b. What do you usually do to make the water safer to drink? [All Regions]

c5. Are the drinking water containers covered or narrow necked? [All Regions]

c6. How do you most commonly store prepared food? [All Regions]

c7. Does your household have a rack to dry washed utensils (spoons, plates, bowls, pots)? [All Regions]

c8a. What kind of toilet facility do members of your household commonly use? [All Regions]

c8b. Do you share toilet facility with other households? [All Regions]

c8c. How many other households use this toilet facility? [All Regions]

c9a. Do you wash your hands after using the toilet? [All Regions]

c9b. Does this toilet have any facility for washing hands after use [All Regions]

c10. The last time your child under three years passed stool what was done to dispose off stool? [All Regions]

d1. What assets does the household currently have which are in working condition? [All Regions]

d5. Main material of walls of the main house (observe) [All Regions]

d6. Main material of roof of the main house (observe) [All Regions]

d7. Main material of floor of the main house (observe) [All Regions]

d8. Who owns the house in which this household lives? [All Regions]

d8a. What is this households MAIN source of income? [All Regions]

d8b. What is this households second source of income [All Regions]