Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

n1. Was there any livestock, poultry or fish reared in the household in the last 12 months? [All Regions]

n2. Which livestock, poultry or fish did you rear in the last 12 months? [All Regions]

n3. Type of Livestock or fish kept in last 12 months [All Regions]

p1. What non-labour items did you spend on in the last two seasons? [All Regions]

q2. What were the most important services and/or advice they provided you by extension agent [All Regions]

q3. If you were NOT visited by an extension agent during the last seven years, why not? [All Regions]

q4. Have you been trained in production of MNR food? [All Regions]

q5. Can you mention 3 foods that are rich in micro-nutrient [All Regions]

r1. What topics did you discuss with your networks in the last 12 months [All Regions]

s1. During the past 7 years, did you attend community meetings that were held to discuss agricultural issues? [All Regions]

s2. If no, what was the main reason for not attending the community meetings on agriculture? [All Regions]

s4. Month attended community meetings on agriculture [All Regions]

s6. Who organized the community meetings on agriculture? [All Regions]

s7a. Main topic discussed during community meetings on agriculture [All Regions]

s7b. Second topic discussed during community meetings on agriculture [All Regions]

s7c. Third topic discussed during community meetings on agriculture [All Regions]

s8a. The information provided during community meetings on agriculture were satisfactory [All Regions]

s8b. If dissatisfied, what is the main reason for dissatisfaction? [All Regions]

t1. During the past 7 years, did you visit a demonstration plot, demonstration home, or research station? [All Regions]

t2. If not visited, main reason for not visiting any demonstration plot, demonstration home, or research station? [All Regions]

t4. Which demonstration did you attend in the past 7 years [All Regions]

t6. Month of visiting the demonstration plot, demonstration home, or research station [All Regions]

t8a. Gender of the demonstration expert [All Regions]

t9a. Main topic discussed during the demonstration [All Regions]

t9b. Second topic discussed during the demonstration [All Regions]

t9c. Third topic discussed during the demonstration [All Regions]

t10. The information provided during the demonstration was satisfactory? [All Regions]

t11. If dissatisfied, what is the main reason for dissatisfaction with the demostration [All Regions]