Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

k1. Did any member of your household own any agricultural land rented or lent out to others during the first season (Jan-Jun 2023) or current season (Jul-Nov 2023) [All Regions]

k6. Land tenure system [All Regions]

k7. Who in the household has the right to decide what to grow on this parcel? [All Regions]

k8. Who has the right to give this land to another family member? [All Regions]

k9. Do you currently have access to the Parcel? [All Regions]

k10. What was or is the primary use of the parcel during the first cropping season of Jan-Jun 2023? [All Regions]

k11. What was or is the primary use of the parcel during the second cropping season of Jul-Nov 2023? [All Regions]

k14. If land was sharecropped in, what was the division of production [All Regions]

k15a. Did you use any organic fertilizer on the parcel during the second cropping season (Jul-Nov 2023)? [All Regions]

k16a. Did you use inorganic/chemical fertilizer on the parcel during the second cropping season (Jul-Nov 2023)? [All Regions]

k17a. Did you use pesticide or insecticide on the parcel during the second cropping season (Jul-Nov 2023)? [All Regions]

k18a. Did you use herbicide on the parcel during the second cropping season (Jul-Nov 2023)? [All Regions]

k20a. Did you hire any labour to work on this plot during the second season of Jul-Nov 2023? [All Regions]

l1a. Did you grow any crop in the first season of Jan-Jun 2023? [All Regions]

l1b. Which MNR crops did you grow during first season of Jan-Jun 2023? [All Regions]

l2a. Including the MNR crops, what are all the crops you grew during first season of Jan-Jun 2023 [All Regions]

l3. Cropping system [All Regions]

l5a. Was this crop intercropped [All Regions]

l6a. Did you purchase seeds/ seedlings for this crop? [All Regions]

l6c. Where did you buy most of this seed? [All Regions]

l7. What type of seed did you purchase? [All Regions]

l8. If not purchased, where did you get the seed for this crop from? [All Regions]

l9a. Was the seed you used for this crop improved? [All Regions]

l9b. What type of improved seed? [All Regions]

l14a. Did you store this crop after harvest? [All Regions]

l14c. What is your main method of storage for this crop? [All Regions]

l14e. Intensity of the crop damage by pest [All Regions]

m1b. Among the crops that you have produced in the two last seasons of 2023, which are the crops that you did not produce in 2017 or earlier. [All Regions]

m2. If any new crop, why did you decide to produce new crops? [All Regions]

m3a. Do you have any new vegetable plot/backyard/kitchen garden in your homestead? [All Regions]

m3b. What is the current status of the kitchen garden? [All Regions]

m3c. What crops are there currently in the kitchen garden? [All Regions]

m4. What other crops did you produce in last two seasons that you have already harvested? [All Regions]

m5. What crops did you produce in last two seasons? [All Regions]

m6a. Besides crops, did you adopt any new method of cultivation in the last 2 years that you did not do previously? [All Regions]

m6b. Which new methods of cultivation did you adopt in the last 2 years? [All Regions]