Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

Interviews conducted by category [All Regions]

Key Informant Interviews by Types [All Regions]

Respondents categorisation by sex [All Regions]

Respondents categorisation by age groups [All Regions]

Respondents categorisation by education levels [All Regions]

Respondents categorisation by Marital Status [All Regions]

Relationship of Respondent to Household Head [All Regions]

a1a. Do you have children between 0-23 months of age? [All Regions]

a3. If you have children between the ages of 6-17 years, does any of them go to school? [All Regions]

a4a. What is the sex of the household head? [All Regions]

a4c. What is the education level of the household head? [All Regions]

a5. What is the marital status of the caregiver to a child aged 0-23 months [All Regions]

a7. What is the level of education (primary caregiver/mother) to a child aged 0-23 months? [All Regions]

a8. Who is the major decision maker in this household? [All Regions]