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General Overview [All Regions]

g1. What foods were consumed by the index child (6-23 months) or caregiver in the last 7 days [All Regions]

g5. Sources foods consumed by the index child (6-23 months) or caregiver in the last 7 days [All Regions]

h1. You and others in the household were worried you would run out of food because of a lack of money or other resources? [All Regions]

h2. You and others in the household were unable to eat healthy and nutritious food because of a lack of money or other resources? [All Regions]

h3. You and others in the household ate only a few kinds of foods because of a lack of money or other resources? [All Regions]

h4. You and others in the household had to skip a meal because there was not enough money or other resources to get food? [All Regions]

h5. You and others in the household ate less than you thought you should because of a lack of money or other resources? [All Regions]

h6. Your household ran out of food because of a lack of money or other resources? [All Regions]

h7. You and others in the household were hungry but did not eat because there was not enough money or other resources for food? [All Regions]

h8. You and others in the household went without eating for a whole day because of a lack of money or other resources? [All Regions]

i1. A woman needs to eat two extra meals during pregnancy [All Regions]

i2. Red meat and liver contain iron. [All Regions]

i3. green leafy vegetables contain iron. [All Regions]

i4. Iodized salt is important for the whole family. [All Regions]

i5. A malnourished mother will usually give birth to a low weight child. [All Regions]

i6. Women need to de-worm during pregnancy. [All Regions]

i7. The lactating woman requires more iron than the pregnant woman. [All Regions]

i8. Women need iron and folic acid supplementation only one time during pregnancy. [All Regions]

i9. A woman who is malnourished can still adequately breastfeed her baby. [All Regions]

i10. Breastfeeding mothers should eat more than usual (have one extra meal). [All Regions]

i11. Babies should be put to the breast within one hour of birth [All Regions]

i12. Colostrum or the first thick yellow milk serves as the first immunization for the baby. [All Regions]

i13. In order to have enough milk a mother needs to breastfeed frequently (at least 8 times a day). [All Regions]

i14. In the first six months, the infant needs water and/or other drinks in addition to breast milk. [All Regions]

i15. When breastfeeding, the baby's chin needs to touch the mother's breast. [All Regions]

i16. A malnourished infant and young child has more episodes of diarrhoea [All Regions]

i17. Vitamin A supplementation is necessary only for children under 2 years [All Regions]

i18. Breastfeeding benefits the baby, but not the mother. [All Regions]

i19. When a mother is HIV-positive, there are ways to decrease HIV transmission to the baby. [All Regions]

i20. Even if a mother believes she does not have enough breast milk, she can still be able to adequately breastfeed her baby. [All Regions]

i21. A mother can prevent sore and cracked nipples by correctly positioning and attaching her baby at the breast. [All Regions]

i22. The most important thing a mother can do to produce sufficient breast milk is to breastfeed her baby frequently, both day and night. [All Regions]

i23. Mixed feeding (meaning breastfeeding and giving other foods and drinks) before six months can cause diarrhea, respiratory and ear infections. [All Regions]

i24. A pregnant woman can continue breastfeeding [All Regions]

i25. Expressed breast milk can be stored in room temperature up to 1 day. [All Regions]

i26. At 4 months, a mother should begin to add foods in addition to breast milk. [All Regions]

i27. Watery porridge is a better food for a 6 months old baby than soft enriched porridge. [All Regions]

i28. A 6-8 month old needs to eat 2 - 3 times a day in addition to breast feeding [All Regions]

i29. The mother or caregiver should actively encourage the baby to eat all the food given. [All Regions]

i30. Carrots, mangoes, papaya, and green leafy vegetables contain vitamin A [All Regions]

i31. Animal products and legumes are foods that help a child to grow [All Regions]

i32. Mothers do not need support from the family or the community in order to feed their children. [All Regions]

i33. Children 9-24 months old should eat 3-4 times a day and have 1-2 snacks. [All Regions]

i34. When a young child over 6 months has diarrhoea, mother needs to increase the frequency of breastfeeding and the frequency of fluids and foods. [All Regions]

i35. A young child who is losing weight during illness and not regaining weight after illness needs urgent medical attention [All Regions]