Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

e3a. During that pregnancy, were you given or did you buy any iron tablets? [All Regions]

e4. During the last pregnancy, did you receive any drug for intestinal worms? [All Regions]

e5a. Where did you deliver the index child (aged 0-23 months) [All Regions]

e5b. Is the response confirmed with the antenatal card? [All Regions]

e6a. During this past pregnancy, were you offered HIV testing? [All Regions]

e6b. If yes, what was the result of the HIV test? [All Regions]

e6d. If HIV positive did you receive anti-retroviral treatment (ART)? [All Regions]

e7a. Has the index child (aged 0-23 months) ever been measured for growth (weight and length) by VHT or at health center? [All Regions]

e7b. When was the last time the child was monitored for growth? [All Regions]

f1. Do you have any child who is aged between 6-23 months in this household [All Regions]

f3b. Is the birth date confirmed with child card? [All Regions]

f4a. Did the index child (aged 6-23 months) ever breasfeed? [All Regions]

f4b. After how long after delivery did you put the index child (aged 6-23 months) to the breast? [All Regions]

f5a. During the first 3 days after birth, was the index child (aged 6-23 months) given anything else other than breast milk? [All Regions]

f5b. If yes, what was the index child (aged 6-23 months) given in the first 3 days after birth [All Regions]

f6. Are you still breastfeeding the index child (aged 6-23 months) [All Regions]

f7. Did the index child breastfeed in the last 24 hours? [All Regions]

f8. From the time child woke up in the morning yesterday to the time you woke up this morning what did you feed the index child (aged 6-23 months) [All Regions]

f9. How many times did you breast feed the index child (aged 6-23 months) from the time you woke up yesterday until the time you woke up this morning? [All Regions]

f10a. Has the index child (aged 6-23 months) started on any liquids or solid feeds-apart from breast milk yet? [All Regions]

f15a. In the past two weeks, did the index child (aged 6-23 months) have any of the following symptoms? [All Regions]

f15b. Did you seek treatment for for the index child (6-23 month) in the past two weeks [All Regions]

f15c. If yes, where did you seek treatment for the index child (6-23 month) in the past two weeks [All Regions]