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General Overview [All Regions]

b1.1. Have you heard of the Food Security and Nutrition Project (UMFSNP) [All Regions]

b1.2a. Have you heard or participated in any program in this village that is promoting agriculture and nutrition in the last five years? [All Regions]

b1.3. Are you aware about any vegetable gardening work in any of the school(s) that a child from this household is attending? [All Regions]

b1.4a. Have you heard of any Parents Group in the school(s) that a child from this home is attending established for improving child nutrition? [All Regions]

b1.4b. Are you a member of the Parent Group in any of the schools your children attends? [All Regions]

b1.4c. Did you participate in any Parent Group training in the last 7 years? [All Regions]

b1.5a. Are you or any member of your household participating in nutrition forum where people discuss cultivation of nutrient rich crops, cooking demonstration, better food habits etc.? [All Regions]

b1.6. Have you heard of any LEAD Farmer in your community? [All Regions]

b1.7. Have you ever visited any model farm/demonstration plot managed by a school or a LEAD farmer? [All Regions]

b1.8. Have you ever attended any community session by the Village Health Team (VHT) in the last 2 years? [All Regions]

b1.9. Has any child of your household received deworming tablets from the school in the last 7 years? [All Regions]

b1.10. Has any girl from your household ever received weekly iron folic acid tablets? [All Regions]

b2.1a. Have you or someone in your household received information or been encouraged to increase your cultivation of any crops in the last 7 years? [All Regions]

b2.1b. If yes, which crops did you receive information for in past 7 years? [All Regions]

b2.3. Who or what was your source of information or encouragement on any of the crops you received information about or increased cultivation in last 7 years? [All Regions]

b2.4a. Have you or a member of your household increased cultivation of a specific crop or crops as a result of this information or encouragement? [All Regions]

b2.4b. Who decided whether or not to make a change to increase crop cultivation [All Regions]

b2.5a. Did you obtain any other inputs besides information to make the change to increase crop cultivation [All Regions]

b2.5b. Which inputs did you obtain to increase crop cultivation [All Regions]

b2.6. What were your source of these input(s) to increase crop cultivation [All Regions]

b2.7. Do you plan to continue to increase your crop cultivation [All Regions]

b3.1a. Have you or someone in your household received information or been encouraged to improve your water, sanitation, or hygiene practices in the last 7 years? [All Regions]

b3.1b. If yes, what information or improvements or practices did you receive on water, sanitation or hygiene in the last 7 years? [All Regions]

b3.2. Who or what were your source of information or encouragement in the last 7 years on water, sanitation and hygiene? [All Regions]

b3.3a. Have you or a member of your household improved your water, sanitation, or hygiene practices as a result of this information or encouragement? [All Regions]

b3.3b. Who decided whether or not to make a change to improve your water, sanitation, or hygiene practices [All Regions]

b3.4a. Did you obtain any inputs besides information to make the change to improve your water, sanitation, or hygiene practices [All Regions]

b3.4b. Which inputs did you obtain to improve your water, sanitation, or hygiene practices [All Regions]

b3.5. What were your primary source of input(s) on water, sanitation and hygiene? [All Regions]

b3.6. Do you plan to continue with the new water, sanitation, or hygiene practice(s)? [All Regions]

b4.1a. Have you or someone in your household received information or been encouraged to change how you feed yourself or your family including your child? [All Regions]

b4.1b. Which changes did you make in how you feed yourself or your family including your child? [All Regions]

b4.2. Who or what was your source of information or encouragement on how you feed yourself or your family including your child? [All Regions]

b4.3. Have you or a member of your household changed how you feed yourself or your family including your child as a result of this information or encouragement? [All Regions]

b4.4. Who decided whether or not to make a change in how you feed yourself or your family including your child [All Regions]

b4.5a. Did you obtain any inputs to make the change on how you feed yourself or your family including your child? [All Regions]

b4.5b. Which inputs did you obtain on how you feed yourself or your family including your child [All Regions]

b4.6. Do you plan to continue this change(s) to how you feed yourself or your family including your child? [All Regions]

b4.7. What was your primary source of this input(s) on how you feed yourself or your family including your child? [All Regions]

b4.8. Do you plan to continue with the change(s) on how you feed yourself or your family including your child? [All Regions]

b5.1a. Have you or someone in your household received information or been encouraged to change your health practices or those of your family including your child? [All Regions]

b5.b. Which changes did you receive on your health practices or those of your family including your child [All Regions]

b5.2. Who or what was your source of information or encouragement? [All Regions]

b5.3a. Have you or a member of your household changed your health practices or those of your family including your child as a result of this information or encouragement? [All Regions]

b5.3b. Who decided whether or not to make a change on your health practices or those of your family including your child? [All Regions]

b5.4a. Did you obtain any inputs to make the change on your health practices or those of your family including your child? [All Regions]

b5.4b. Which inputs did you obtain to make the change on your health practices or those of your family including your child [All Regions]

b5.5. What were your primary sources of input(s) on your health practices or those of your family including your child [All Regions]

b5.6. Do you plan to continue this change(s) to your health practices or those of your family including your child? [All Regions]

b5.7. Have you observed any change in the quality of services offered by the VHT or health centers in the last 2 years? [All Regions]