Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

k3.1a. Did you produce milk in the last 12 months? [All Regions]

k3.1b. Did you produce milk 5 years ago? [All Regions]

k3.2. Who were your major consumers of milk in the last 12 months? [All Regions]

k3.4. In which seasons did you produce milk for consumption or sale to the outlet [All Regions]

k3.9. Where did the outlet consumer buy your milk from during rainy season? [All Regions]

k3.10. If not sold at farm gate, what transport means did you use to go to the outlet during rainy season? [All Regions]

k3.16. Where did the outlet consumer buy your milk from during dry season? [All Regions]

k3.17. If not sold at farm gate, what transport means did you use to go to the outlet during dry season? [All Regions]

s1. Have you heard about the new agricultural technologies (dairy cow breeds), their desirable attributes, and also best practices for commercial dairy cow production in this area? [All Regions]

s3. Which sources did you use to access the latest information about the recommended agricultural dairy cow technologies and best dairy practices in this area during the last 12 months? [All Regions]

s7. What has been your main source of agricultural technologies (dairy cow breeds, feeds, drugs etc.) that you currently use on your farm in this area for the last 12 months [All Regions]

s11. Who owns the dairy cow enterprise/ in your household? [All Regions]

s12. What is the management system of your diary enterprise? [All Regions]

s13. What is your dairy cow herd composition at your farm? [All Regions]

s15. Which types of dairy cows are you rearing/keeping at your farm? [All Regions]

s16. What dairy cow housing/production system are you using? [All Regions]

s17. Where do you get your dairy cow breeds from? [All Regions]

s20. What type of feeds do you give your cows? [All Regions]

s24. How are satisfied with the quality of pastures on your farm? [All Regions]

s26. Between male and female household members, who is using the improved dairy cow breeds in this household? [All Regions]

s28. Between male and female household members, who is using the recommended best practices for commercial production of dairy cow in this household? [All Regions]

s35. Did you give out some of the agricultural technologies to secondary dairy cow farmers in this area in the last 12 month? [All Regions]

s37. Which of the following distribution mechanism did you use when giving out the technologies to other farmers in the last 12 months? [All Regions]

s40. Have you (or other member in the household) received dairy cow farming support or funding from any organization? [All Regions]

s41. How are you satisfied with the quality of dairy cow feeds in this area? [All Regions]

s42a. Do you agree that the use of agricultural technologies on your dairy cow farm in the last 12 months has helped to increase your level of farm production [All Regions]

s42b. Do you agree that the use of agricultural technologies on your dairy cow farm in the last 12 months has helped to increase your level of productivity [All Regions]

s42c. Do you agree that the use of agricultural technologies on your dairy cow farm in the last 12 months has helped to increase your level of farm income [All Regions]

s44. What kind of post-harvest practices do you engage in order to add-value on your dairy farm products? [All Regions]

s45. Are you aware of any products that can be developed through value addition of dairy cow milk, such as Cheese, Yoghurt, Ghee, Hides and skins, Beef, Butter, and Cream? [All Regions]

s46. Do you process dairy cow milk produced on your farm? [All Regions]

s52a. In the case of hired children (14-18 years), are they supposed to be in school? [All Regions]

s52b. In the case of hired children (14-18 years), do you hire them outside their school time? [All Regions]

s53. Have you received training in dairy cow farming and value chain management? [All Regions]

s57. Who received the training in the household? [All Regions]

s58. What was the training about? [All Regions]

s59. How would you rate the training received, in terms of the extent to which it addressed your needs? [All Regions]

s63. Where do you sell (target markets) your dairy cow products? [All Regions]

s64. Who is the major decision maker regarding sale of dairy cow products in this household [All Regions]

s65. Who decides on the quantity (milk or products) to be sold? [All Regions]

s66. Who in your household decides on the use of revenues from dairy cow product sales? [All Regions]

s68a. What are the major production related constraints/problems faced in your dairy cow farming in this area? [All Regions]

s68b. What are the major post-harvest related constraints/problems faced in your dairy cow farming in this area? [All Regions]

s68c. What are the major value addition related constraints/problems faced in your dairy cow farming in this area? [All Regions]

s68d. What are the major marketing related constraints/problems faced in your dairy cow farming in this area? [All Regions]