Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

Household Enterprises [All Regions]

Respondents categorisation by age groups [All Regions]

Highest level of education of Respondents [All Regions]

Phone number ownership [All Regions]

Marital Status of Respondent [All Regions]

Relationship of Respondent to Household Head [All Regions]

Household Category [All Regions]

a1c. Household size [All Regions]

a3. [Household Roster] Sex of household members [All Regions]

a4. [Household Roster] Household members age grouping [All Regions]

a4. [Household Roster] Household members categorisation into youth or adult [All Regions]

a5. [Household Roster] Relationships to household head [All Regions]

a7. [Household Roster] Residential status of household members [All Regions]

a8. [Household Roster] How members joined households [All Regions]

a13. [Household Roster] Education grades of household members [All Regions]

a14. [Household Roster] main economic activities of household members in the last 12 months [All Regions]

a18. [Household Roster] school dropout reasons [All Regions]

a23a. [Household Roster] members belong to a local or external organization or committee in the Last 12 months [All Regions]

a23c. [Household Roster] Type of groups members belonged to in last 12 months [All Regions]

a23d. Most important farmer group functions [All Regions]

a23e. Has the groups joined by the household made your household better in farming? [All Regions]

a23f. Whether membership to this group has helped in getting relevant information and agricultural technologies (seeds, materials etc.) for commercial farming? [All Regions]

a24a. During the past 12 months, did household member suffer from any illness, or injury? [All Regions]

a24b. What was the cause of household members illness or injury during the past 12 months? [All Regions]

a24e. Where did household members go for the first consultation during the past 12 months? [All Regions]

n1. Which assets does your household currently own? [All Regions]

n6. How do you rate the current level of assets owned by your household compared to 5 years ago? [All Regions]

n7. In your assessment, what might be driving the observed change in your asset endowment level [All Regions]