Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

g1. Which Enterprises did your household undertake in last 12 month (July 2022 to June 2023) [All Regions]

g2. Who undertook the enterprise? [All Regions]

g4. What was the main purpose of production of the enterprise? [All Regions]

g5a. How do you rate the level of access and use of improved agricultural technologies during production on your farm in the last 3 years for your enterprise [All Regions]

g5b. How do you rate the level of access and use of improved agricultural technologies during post-harvest on your farm in the last 3 years for your enterprise [All Regions]

g6a. How do you rate the level of use of recommended agricultural practices during production on your farm in the last 3 years for your enterprise [All Regions]

g6b. How do you rate the level of use of recommended agricultural practices during post-harvest on your farm in the last 3 years [All Regions]

g7. Do you agree that the Capacity building support rendered by existing local organizations (both public & private) has helped you to adequately access and use improved technologies and practices on your farm in the last 3 years? [All Regions]