Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

e1a. During the last 12 months, has any member of your household owned any agricultural land including woodlots, forest land and land rented or lent out to others? [All Regions]

e4a. Land Tenure System for the parcel [All Regions]

e4b. How did you acquire this parcel? [All Regions]

e4d. Do you currently have access to the parcel? [All Regions]

e4e. If currently no access to the parcel, why don't you have access? [All Regions]

e5a. What was the primary use of the parcel during the last two cropping seasons? [All Regions]

e6a. Does the parcel have a formal certificate issued by and registered with government authorities? [All Regions]

e6b. Does your household have other documents (semi-formal or informal) that would provide proof of ownership to the parcel? [All Regions]

e6c. What type of informal documents does your household possess? [All Regions]

e9a. What was the best use of forests and other vegetation cover (including grassland) on the plot in the last 10 years [All Regions]

e9b. Has the Environmental quality status of the plot changed in the last 10 years [All Regions]

e9c. How do you rate change of the general environmental quality attributes of the parcel in the last 5-10 years [All Regions]

f1. In the last 12 months, has your household had access to use rights (renting-in and borrowing-in) to agricultural land, including woodlots and forest land belonging to someone else? [All Regions]

f2. In the last 12 months, has your household participated in the supply of use rights (renting-out and borrowing-out) to agricultural land, including woodlots and forest land belonging to someone else? [All Regions]

f4. Is all or a part of this parcel under the use rights transaction? [All Regions]

f8. How did you acquire the use rights parcel? [All Regions]

f9. How did you decide the payment of the use rights land? [All Regions]

f13. Use rights Parcel Tenure System [All Regions]

f14. What was the primary use of the use rights parcel at the time? [All Regions]

f15. How often do you have to renew your use rights to this parcel? [All Regions]