Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

b1. In the last 12 months, which household members earned wage, salary, commission, or any payment in kind, from work in agriculture or non-agriculture, and including doing paid domestic work [All Regions]

b3a. Household member sex [All Regions]

b3c. Household Member youth or adult [All Regions]

b3d. Household member relationship to household head [All Regions]

b4a. Main source of Income from agriculture or non-agriculture work [All Regions]

b7. In which months did you have high gross earnings/Sales [All Regions]

b7. In which months did you have Low Gross Earnings/Sales [All Regions]

c1. Did any member of your household acquire any loan for agricultural purposes between July 2022 and June 2023 [All Regions]

c1. From what sources did your household acquire loans for agricultural purposes between July 2022 and June 2023 [All Regions]

c3. What were the main agricultural purposes of the loans received between July 2022 and June 2023? [All Regions]

c4. What were the main non-agricultural purposes of the loan accessed between July 2022 and June 2023? [All Regions]

c5. What was the duration of the loan received between July 2022 and June 2023? [All Regions]

c8a. Did the household need to provide collateral security for the loans? [All Regions]

c8b. What type of collateral security was provided for the loans? [All Regions]

c9. If no loan was received, why didn't any member of the household receive any agricultural loan or credit for agricultural purposes between July 2022 and June 2023? [All Regions]

c11a. Did any member of this household receive any food aid in the past 12 months? [All Regions]

c11b. Who provided the food aid in the past 12 months? [All Regions]

c12a. Did any member of this household receive any remittance/cash assistance received locally (elsewhere in the country) in the past 12 months? [All Regions]

c12b. Who provided the remittance/cash assistance received locally in the past 12 months? [All Regions]

c12d. What were the main agricultural purposes of the remittance/cash assistance received locally [All Regions]

c13a. Did any member of this household receive any remittance/cash assistance received from abroad in the past 12 months? [All Regions]

c13b. Who provided the remittance/cash assistance received from abroad in the past 12 months? [All Regions]

c13d. What were the main agricultural purposes of the remittance/cash assistance received from abroad in the past 12 months? [All Regions]

c14a. Did any member of this household receive any pension and life insurance annuity benefits in the past 12 months? [All Regions]

c14b. Who provided the pension and life insurance annuity benefits in the past 12 months? [All Regions]

c14d. What were the main agricultural purposes of the pension and life insurance annuity benefits received in past 12 months [All Regions]

c15a. Did any member of this household receive any income (profit) from the sale of assets excluding livestock in the past 12 months? [All Regions]

c15d. What were the main agricultural purposes of the income (profit) from the sale of assets excluding livestock received in the past 12 months [All Regions]

c16a. Did any member of this household receive any Rotating Savings and Credit Association (ROSCA) in the past 12 months? [All Regions]

c16d. What were the main agricultural purposes of the Rotating Savings and Credit Association (ROSCA) received in past 12 months [All Regions]