Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

i1a. How much of your sweetpotato production did you sell in the year 2022? [All Regions]

i2. Who made the decision for the sale of sweetpotato? [All Regions]

i3a. Who decided the quantity of sweetpotato to be sold? [All Regions]

i3b. Who decided how the money from sales of the sweetpotato is spent? [All Regions]

i4a. What are the most important ways that you spent the money you earned from sweetpotato [All Regions]

i4b. If you spent on household food items, what types of foods were these? [All Regions]

i5. If both OFSP and Non-OFSP were sold at equal quantity, does OFSP get a higher or lower price as compared to white or yellow-fleshed sweetpotato? [All Regions]

i6a. Has your household changed the number of plots under sweetpotato production during the last two years (2020-2021)? [All Regions]

i6b. By how many plots of sweetpotato has there been an increase, if number of plots increased? [All Regions]

i6c. By how many plots of sweetpotato has there been a decrease, if number of plots decreased? [All Regions]

i7a. Did the area under sweetpotato increase, decrease, or stay the same compared to 2 years ago (2020)? [All Regions]

i7b. By what amount did the area under sweetpotato INCREASE? [All Regions]

i7b. By what amount did the area under sweetpotato DECREASE? [All Regions]

i7c. Why did you decide to increase the area or number of sweetpotato plots planted? [All Regions]

i7d. Why did you decide to decrease the area or number of sweetpotato plots planted? [All Regions]

i8a. Has there been any change in the amount of work your spouse does in sweetpotato production or sales over the past two years (2020-2021)? [All Regions]

i8b. Why has there been an INCREASE in the amount of work your spouse does in sweetpotato production or sales over the past two years (2020-2021)? [All Regions]

i8c. Why has there been a DECREASE in the amount of work your spouse does in sweetpotato production or sales over the past two years (2020-2021)? [All Regions]

i9a. Has there been any change in the amount of work you do in sweetpotato production or sales over the past two years (2020-2021)? [All Regions]

i9b. Why has there been an INCREASE in the amount of work you do in sweetpotato production or sales over the past two years (2020-2021)? [All Regions]

i9c. Why has there been a DECREASE in the amount of work you do in sweetpotato production or sales over the past two years (2020-2021)? [All Regions]

i10. Of all the orange-fleshed sweetpotato you harvested in 2022, how much did you sell? [All Regions]

i12. Of all the orange-fleshed sweetpotato you harvested in 2022, how much of this did your household consume? [All Regions]