Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

h3. Did you have to ask your spouse or someone else for permission to use the land you manage? [All Regions]

h4. Did you hire labour for your sweetpotato production in 2021/2022? [All Regions]

h5. Who decides how much sweetpotato to grow? [All Regions]

h6. Do you plant sweetpotato on ridges, mounds or on the flat? [All Regions]

h8. Location of plot [All Regions]

h10. Does the plot have white fleshed sweetpotato (WFSP) [All Regions]

h11. Does the plot have yellow fleshed sweetpotato (YFSP or PFSP) [All Regions]

h12. Does the plot have orange fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) [All Regions]

h14. Was sweetpotato intercropped from plots [All Regions]

h15. Which crop was the dominant intercrop in the sweetpotato plot [All Regions]

h16. Which months did your household harvest LARGE QUANTITIES of sweetpotato for consumption or sale in 2021/2022 [All Regions]

h20. Which months did your household harvest MINOR QUANTITIES of sweetpotato for consumption or sale in 2021/2022 [All Regions]