Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

j1a. Where do you normally obtain sweetpotato vines from? [All Regions]

j2. Can you please rate the quality of sweetpotato vines from your most important source [All Regions]

j3a. Did you buy or did you get the sweetpotato vines for free in 2021/2022 seasons? [All Regions]

j4a. Do you know of any specialized sweetpotato vine multiplier (i.e., someone who has been trained in sweetpotato vine multiplication for quality)? [All Regions]

j5. In the last cropping year (2021/2022), did you or anyone in your household give sweetpotato vines for free to another person? [All Regions]

j6. In the last cropping year (2021/2022), did you or anyone in your household sell sweetpotato vines to another person? [All Regions]

j2.1. Who was the recipient of the sweetpotato vines that were given out in 2021/2022 seasons [All Regions]

j2.2. Who gave out the sweetpotato vines in 2021/2022 seasons [All Regions]

j2.3. Was the sweetpotato vine giver a specialised vine multiplier [All Regions]

j2.4. Was sweetpotato vine receiver a farmer group member [All Regions]

j2.5. Was the sweetpotato vine receiver a relative [All Regions]

j2.7. What sweetpotato varieties were exchanged in the 2021/2022 seasons [All Regions]

j2.8. Did you sell the sweetpotato vines in the 2021/2022 seasons to the recipient? [All Regions]

j2.10. Who received the money from the sale of sweetpotato vines in the 2021/2022 seasons, if you sold [All Regions]

j2.11. Where was the recipient of the money from sale of sweetpotato vines from [All Regions]