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General Overview [All Regions]

m1.1. Compared to the past 3 years, what is the level of importance of orange-fleshed sweetpotato to your family's diet [All Regions]

m1.2a. Why do you consider OFSP as MORE IMPORTANT to your family's diet? [All Regions]

m1.2b. Why do you consider OFSP as LESS IMPORTANT to your family's diet? [All Regions]

m1.5. Since 2019, have you or a household member ever attended an agriculture field day where orange-fleshed sweetpotato was promoted? [All Regions]

m1.6. Who sponsored the field day promoting OFSP? [All Regions]

m1.8. Since 2019, have you or a household member ever visited an orange-fleshed sweetpotato demonstration plot? [All Regions]

m1.11. Since 2019, have you ever received any vine cuttings for orange-fleshed sweetpotato from DDBIO/WFP project? [All Regions]

m1.14. Was there a time you received vine cuttings but did not plant them? [All Regions]

m1.15. Why didn't you plant your sweetpotato vine cuttings? [All Regions]

m1.16. Since 2019, have you participated in a pregnant and lactating mothers' club in your community that is run by a CHV (Community Health Volunteer)? [All Regions]

m1.18. Is your group trainer a community health worker, a community health extension worker or a nurse? [All Regions]

m1.19. Approximately how many club meetings did you attend? [All Regions]

m1.20a. Did you ever attend a pregnant or lactating mother's club in your community that taught the subject of healthy mothers [All Regions]

m1.20b. Did you ever attend a pregnant or lactating mother's club in your community that taught the subject of healthy eating [All Regions]

m1.20c. Did you ever attend a pregnant or lactating mother's club in your community that taught the subject of Vitamin A [All Regions]

m1.20d. Did you ever attend a pregnant or lactating mother's club in your community that taught the subject of infant feeding [All Regions]

m1.20e. Did you ever attend a pregnant or lactating mother's club in your community that taught the subject of cooking demonstration involving OFSP [All Regions]

m1.20f. Did you ever attend a pregnant or lactating mother's club in your community that taught the subject of why eat OFSP [All Regions]

m1.20g. Did you ever attend a pregnant or lactating mother's club in your community that taught the subject of growing OFSP [All Regions]

m1.21. What was the most important thing that you learnt at the mother's club? [All Regions]

m1.22. Were you able to implement what you learned from the mother's club at home? [All Regions]

m1.27. Since 2019, have you received any special foods, products, or powders to feed your baby? [All Regions]

m1.28. What special foods, products, or powder did you receive to feed your baby? [All Regions]

m1.29. Who provided the special foods, products, or powders to feed your baby [All Regions]