Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

f1c. How fertile are the fields you cultivated NEAR THE HOUSE in the 2021/2022 cropping seasons? [All Regions]

f2c. How fertile are the fields you cultivated AWAY FROM THE HOUSE in the 2021/2022 cropping seasons? [All Regions]

f3a. In 2021/2022 cropping seasons, did you hire workers to help you with your agricultural/livestock activities? [All Regions]

f4. Crops produced by the households in the 2021/2022 seasons [All Regions]

f5. Did your household sell the crops you produced in 2021/2022 seasons [All Regions]

f6. What were the most important crops for your household in 2021/2022 seasons (excluding sweetpotato) [All Regions]

f7. What were your most productive crops during the 2021/2022 seasons? [All Regions]

f11. Did you grow any sweetpotato within the last 3 years [All Regions]

f11. Did you grow any sweetpotato within 2021/2022 [All Regions]

f12. Why didnt you grow any sweetpotato within 2021/2022 or in the the last 3 years? [All Regions]