Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

a2. Adult > 5yrs: Sex of the household members [All Regions]

a3. Adult > 5yrs: Relationship of household members to household head [All Regions]

a6. Adult > 5yrs: Any household member having long term disability [All Regions]

a7. Adult > 5yrs: Household members currently enrolled in formal schooling [All Regions]

a9a. Adult > 5yrs: Marital status of household members [All Regions]

a9b. Adults: household members who are pregnant or breastfeeding aged 12-49years [All Regions]

a10. Adult > 5yrs: Household members currently involved in growing sweetpotato [All Regions]

a11. Adult > 5yrs: Is agriculture a principal or secondary activity to household members [All Regions]

a12. Adult > 5yrs: In 2022, did household members sell agricultural or livestock products [All Regions]

a13. Adult > 5yrs: In 2022, did household members undertake salaried employment [All Regions]

a14. Adult > 5yrs: In 2022, did household members do casual labor [All Regions]

a15. Adult > 5yrs: In 2022, were household members involved in informal business [All Regions]

a16. Adult > 5yrs: In 2022, were household members involved in some other form of self employment (e.g. hair saloon, wood cutting, shops) [All Regions]

a2.3. Child < 5yrs: Sex of children in households [All Regions]

a2.6. Child < 5yrs: Is the child having any long term disability [All Regions]

a2.7a. Child < 5yrs: Is the child being taken care of by a mother or a caregiver? [All Regions]