Report Filters

General Overview [All Countries]

Description Results
Interview period 14-Jan-2022 to 14-Jan-2022
Total number of Respondents 10 [Male:5 Female:5]
Number of Venues 1

Participants categorisation by sex [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
00 Female 5 50.00
01 Male 5 50.00
Overall 10 100.00

q01. Can the characteristic involve a beneficial decrease in labour disproportionately performed by women producers, processors, traders food preparers or consumers in the targeted customer segment? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
00 No significant decrease in women’s labour 8 80.00
01 Decreases women’s labour moderately, with benefits to women’s health and welfare 2 20.00
Overall 10 100.00

q02. Can the characteristic maintain or increase women's formal or informal employment of women producers, processors, traders, food preparers or consumer's income in the targeted consumer segment? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
00 No significant change on an income generation activity 2 20.00
01 Increases or maintains women’s employment with moderate gain in own income 2 20.00
02 Increases or maintains women’s employment with considerable gain in women’s own income 6 60.00
Overall 10 100.00

q03. Can characteristic positively impact on quantity or quality of any product related to the crop that would increase income or home use of product by women producers, processors, traders, food preparers or consumers, in targeted consumer segment? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
00 The quantity or quality of no product or by-product under the control of women is affected 2 20.00
01 Increase of the quantity and quality of product or income from a product under the control of women is moderately improved 3 30.00
02 Increase in the quantity or quality of any product related to the crop under the control of women is considerably improved 5 50.00
Overall 10 100.00

q04. Does the characteristic reduce the need of an essential input that is less accessible to/more important for women producers, processors, traders, food preparers or consumers, in the targeted consumer segment, compared to men? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
00 No prevailing gender inequality in access to or need for an essential input for women 4 40.00
01 Moderate reduction in the need for at least one essential input that is ess accessible/more important for women 2 20.00
02 Considerable reduction in the need for at least one essential input that is less accessible/more important for women 2 20.00
88 Warning signal: not enough information available to score 1 10.00
99 Not applicable 1 10.00
Overall 10 100.00

q05. Do women producers, processors, traders, food preparers, or consumers in the target customer segment value the characteristic positively? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Yes 10 100.00
Overall 10 100.00

q06. Do men producers, processors, traders, food preparers or consumers in the target customer segment value the characteristic positively? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Yes 10 100.00
Overall 10 100.00

q07. Do women producers, processors, traders, food preparers or consumers in the target customer segment value this characteristic more highly than men? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
00 No 5 50.00
01 Yes 5 50.00
Overall 10 100.00

q08. Does the characteristic involve a harmful increase in labour disproportionately performed by women producers, processors, traders, food preparers or consumers in the target customer segment? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
-1 Increasing women’s labour moderately, with benefits to women’s health and welfare 3 30.00
-2 Increases women’s labour considerably, with benefits to women’s health and welfare 1 10.00
00 No significant increase in women’s labour 5 50.00
88 Warning signal: not enough information available to score 1 10.00
Overall 10 100.00

q09. Does the characteristic remove or reduce women's formal or informal employment for women producers, processors, traders, food preparers, or consumer's income in the targeted consumer segment? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
-1 Reduces or removes women’s employment with moderate reduction in women’s own income 2 20.00
-2 Reduces or removes women’s employment with considerable reduction in women’s own income 1 10.00
00 No change in women’s income-generation activities 5 50.00
88 Warning signal: not enough information available to score 1 10.00
99 Not applicable 1 10.00
Overall 10 100.00

q10. Does the characteristic maintain or increase the need of an essential input that is less accessible to/more important for women producers, processors, traders, food preparers or consumers, in the targeted consumer segment, compared to men? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
-1 Moderate increase in the need for at least one essential input that is less accessible/more important for women 3 30.00
-2 Considerable increase in the need for at least one essential input that is less accessible/more important for women 1 10.00
00 No prevailing gender inequality in access to or need for an essential input for women 5 50.00
99 Not applicable 1 10.00
Overall 10 100.00

q11. Does CHARACTERISTIC negatively impact on quantity or quality of any product related to crop in a way that would decrease income or home use of crop/product by majority of women producers, processors, traders, food preparers or consumers, in targeted segment? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
-1 Negative impact on the quantity or quality of any product from the crop, that would cause moderate harm to women’s income or home use of the product 3 30.00
-2 Negative impact on the quantity or quality of any product from the crop, which would cause serious harm to women’s income or home use of the product 1 10.00
00 The quantity or quality of no product or by-product under the control of women is affected 5 50.00
99 Not available 1 10.00
Overall 10 100.00

q12. Do the majority of women producers, processors, traders, food preparers or consumers in the target customer segment value the characteristic negatively? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
-1 Yes 1 10.00
00 No 9 90.00
Overall 10 100.00

q13. Do the majority of men producers, processors, traders, food preparers or consumers in the target customer segment value the characteristic negatively? [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
-1 Yes 1 10.00
00 No 9 90.00
Overall 10 100.00

FINAL gender impact score for POSITIVE BENEFITS [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
01 NICE TO HAVE 4 40.00
02 REQUIRED 6 60.00
Overall 10 100.00

FINAL gender impact score for DO NO HARM [All Countries]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
-1 AMEND OR AVOID (moderate harm) 1 10.00
00 NEUTRAL (No significant harm) 9 90.00
Overall 10 100.00