Result Filters

General Overview [All Districts]

Respondent categorisation by District [All Districts]

Respondent categorisation by Sex [All Districts]

Age of Respondents (categories) [All Districts]

Youth or Adult [All Districts]

Highest level of education of Respondent [All Districts]

Marital Status of Respondent [All Districts]

Relationship of Respondent to Household Head [All Districts]

Primary occupation of respondent [All Districts]

Household size (number of household members) [All Districts]

What is the type of road from homestead to the nearest sweetpotato selling point? [All Districts]

Is there an electricity source in the village? [All Districts]

Is there piped water in the village? [All Districts]

Respondent categorisation by Subcounties [All Districts]

[SP PRODUCTION] c6.2. In which seasons did you grow sweetpotato [All Districts]

[VARIETIES GROWN] c9.0. Which varieties of sweetpotato have you ever grown [All Districts]

[INPUTS USED] c10.2. Types of input used on sweetpotato plots [All Districts]

[SP TECHNOLOGIES] d4. Which sweetpotato-producing technologies have you ever used? [All Districts]

[FARM ASSETS] e4.0. What farm assets/ implements do you have? [All Districts]

[INFO SOURCES] c3.0. What were your major sources of information on sweetpotato production and marketing during the last 12 months [All Districts]

[CREDIT ACCESS] f7.0. What were your major sources of credit in the last 12 months [All Districts]

[SOCIAL NETWORKS] f11.0. Which associations/ groups do you belong to [All Districts]