Result Filters

General Overview [All Regions]

Respondent categorisation by Sex [All Regions]

Respondent categorisation into Youths or Adults [All Regions]

Wealth status. I perceive myself to be [All Regions]

The type of house I live in is [All Regions]

Average Annual Income of your household [All Regions]

What are the most important VPCs that you grow? [All Regions]

b2. Why is the VPC important for your household [All Regions]

b3. For whom in the household is the VPC most important? [All Regions]

b4. Why is the VPC important to the household member? [All Regions]

b6. If Study VPC is not included in top 3, where instead would you rank it in terms of importance? [All Regions]

b7. If study VPC is not among the top 2 VPCs for the respondent, what were the reasons? [All Regions]

b8. Which VPCs does your spouse grow? [All Regions]

b9. If your spouse grows/prefers different VPCs, why is this? [All Regions]

c1.1a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding how much accompanying technology to acquire (fertilizer, pesticide, new seed) for the VPC [All Regions]

c1.1b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding how much accompanying technology to acquire (fertilizer, pesticide, new seed) for the VPC [All Regions]

c1.2a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding seed quality (vigor, viability) for the VPC [All Regions]

c1.2b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding the VPC seed quality assurance [All Regions]

c1.3a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding how much of the VPC seed to acquire [All Regions]

c1.3b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding how much of the VPC seed to acquire [All Regions]

c1.4a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding where to acquire seed for the VPC [All Regions]

c1.4b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding where to acquire the VPC seed [All Regions]

c1.5a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding when to acquire seed for the VPC [All Regions]

c1.5b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding when to acquire the VPC seed [All Regions]

c1.6a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding resource allocation to VPC seed production [All Regions]

c1.6b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding resource allocation to seed production for the VPC [All Regions]

c1.7a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding labor use/allocation in seed production [All Regions]

c1.7b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding labor use/allocation in seed production for the VPC [All Regions]

c2.1a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding which type of VPC seed to grow [All Regions]

c2.1b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding which type of seed to grow for the VPC [All Regions]

c2.2a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding utilization of seed for the VPC [All Regions]

c2.2b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding utilization of the VPC seed [All Regions]

c3.1a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding replacement of seed for the VPC [All Regions]

c3.1b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding replacement of the VPC seed [All Regions]

c3.2a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding taking of credit (loan) for seed and accompanying technology for the VPC [All Regions]

c3.2b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding taking of credit (loan) for seed and accompanying technology for the VPC [All Regions]

c3.3a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding hiring of land for target VPC production [All Regions]

c3.3b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding hiring of land for the target VPC production [All Regions]

c4.1a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding selling of surplus seed and where for the VPC [All Regions]

c4.1b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding selling of surplus VPC seed and where [All Regions]

c4.2a. In this household, who makes decisions regarding allocation of benefits from sales (e.g. paying school dues, food, clothes etc.) of the VPC [All Regions]

c4.2b. To what extent do you participate in decisions regarding allocation of benefits from sales (e.g. paying school dues, food, clothes etc.) for the VPC [All Regions]

d1. What varieties of your most important VPC do you grow [All Regions]

d1. What varieties of your SECOND MOST Important VPC do you grow [All Regions]

d2b. Where do you source the VPC seed for improved varieties? [All Regions]

d2c. What is your preferred VPC seed source for improved varieties [All Regions]

d2d. Why would you prefer a VPC source over another for your improved varieties [All Regions]

d2e. How do you transport the seed (improved varieties) from where you source it to your farm? [All Regions]

d2b. Where do you source the VPC seed for local varieties? [All Regions]

d2c. What is your preferred VPC seed source for local varieties [All Regions]

d2d. Why would you prefer a VPC source over another for your local varieties [All Regions]

d2e. How do you transport the seed (local varieties) from where you source it to your farm? [All Regions]

d3a. When do you acquire VPC seed for your production [All Regions]

d3b. Why do you acquire seed at that time [All Regions]

d3c. At what time did you receive VPC seed in the last season [All Regions]

d4a. In the last one year, did you experience shortages in access to VPC seed [All Regions]

d4b. When did the VPC seed shortage occur within the last one year [All Regions]

d6. What caused the shortage in access to VPC seed [All Regions]

d7. What were the effects of the shortages of your VPC seed [All Regions]

d8. Where does your household obtain information regarding new VPCs seed? [All Regions]

d8. Who in the household sources information regarding new VPCs seed [All Regions]

d10. What challenges do you face when accessing seed? [All Regions]

e1. Sex of other household members growing VPC [All Regions]

e2. How does your other household members perceive and rate the target VPC [All Regions]

e3. Does your other household members cultivate the target VPC on their own piece of land [All Regions]

e5. Where did your other household members source VPC seed in the last season? [All Regions]

e6. What varieties of VPC does the other household members grow [All Regions]

e7. Does the other household members experience shortage in VPC seed? [All Regions]