CARITAS NEBBI FES- Access to Finance and Market Assessment

Report Filters

General Overview [All Subcounties]

g1. Credit sources that households have access to [All Subcounties]

g2. Does your household have access to savings in any savings group? [All Subcounties]

g4. In the last 12 months or less, has your household ever accessed a loan? [All Subcounties]

g5. What did you utilize this loan/credit funds for? [All Subcounties]

g6. When do you expect to pay this loan/debt back? [All Subcounties]

g7. How loan access changed household financial situation in the past 12 months [All Subcounties]

g8. Membership status to the different groups [All Subcounties]

g9. How much control do you have over assets in your household and financial decision-making? [All Subcounties]

h1. What are the most viable businesses for this community? [All Subcounties]

h3. What are the challenges you face in accessing the market? [All Subcounties]

h4. What is your reason to access market? [All Subcounties]

h5. What are the most common products sold in your market? [All Subcounties]