CARITAS NEBBI FES- Agriculture and Livestock

Report Filters

General Overview [All Subcounties]

c1.1. Do you have access to agricultural land for cultivation? [All Subcounties]

c1.2. How do you access land for agricultural cultivation? [All Subcounties]

c1.5. Has the size of land cultivated changed compared to last planting season? [All Subcounties]

C2: Good Agronomic Practices households were trained in [All Subcounties]

c2.2. Did you practice/ apply the Good Agronomic Practices you were trained in [All Subcounties]

c2.3. Benefits of Good Agronomic Practices [All Subcounties]

C3. Crops planted by households in the last season of 2021 [All Subcounties]

c3.1c. Source of Seeds/Seedlings for the crops planted in the last season of 2021 [All Subcounties]

c3.1e. Major uses of crops harvested in the last season of 2021) [All Subcounties]

c3.1f. For households that planted crops mainly for market, where was the produce sold [All Subcounties]

c3.2. The extent to which food produced in past season has been sufficient to cover food consumption needs for the household [All Subcounties]

c3.3. Duration of produce storage for food harvested in the last planting season [All Subcounties]

c3.4. Main food storage facilities used in households [All Subcounties]

c4.6. Have you bought any agricultural inputs in the recent planting season? [All Subcounties]

c4.7. Do you practice backyard gardening? [All Subcounties]

c4.8a. Does the household have any livestock/ Poultry? [All Subcounties]

c4.8b. Livestock/ Poultry households have [All Subcounties]

c4.9b. Change in the number of CATTLE in the past 12 months [All Subcounties]

c4.9c. Major usage of CATTLE (cows, bulls, calves) breeding [All Subcounties]

c4.10b. Change in the number of GOATS in the past 12 months [All Subcounties]

c4.10c. Major usage of GOAT breeding [All Subcounties]

c4.11b. Change in the number of SHEEP in the past 12 months [All Subcounties]

c4.11c. Major usage of SHEEP breeding [All Subcounties]

c4.12b. Change in the number of CHICKEN in the past 12 months [All Subcounties]

c4.12c. Major usage of CHICKEN breeding [All Subcounties]

c4.13b. Change in the number of DUCKS in the past 12 months [All Subcounties]

c4.13c. Major usage of DUCK breeding [All Subcounties]

c4.14b. Change in the number of TURKEYS in the past 12 months [All Subcounties]

c4.14c. Major usage of TURKEY breeding [All Subcounties]

c4.15b. Change in the number of BEE HIVES in the past 12 months [All Subcounties]

c4.15c. Major usage of BEE breeding [All Subcounties]

c4.16b. Change in the number of PIGS in the past 12 months [All Subcounties]

c4.16c. Major usage of PIG breeding [All Subcounties]

d5: Climatic Shocks experienced by households in the last 12 months [All Subcounties]

d5.3. Responses to Climatic Shocks to regain former welfare level in households [All Subcounties]