Report Filters

General Overview [All Countries]

f1. Has anyone in your household owned or operated any non-farm economic activity or business in the last 3 months (August 1 2021 to October 30, 2021)? [All Countries]

f02. What type of business did your household own or operated the last 3 months i.e. August 1 2021 to October 30 2021] [All Countries]

f11. Is the BUSINESS still in operation? [Business owned or operated in the last 3 months i.e. August 1 2021 to October 30 2021] [All Countries]

f12. In the last 12 months, where do/did you operate the BUSINESS enterprise? [All Countries]

f14. Who are/were your main customers in the last 3 months (August 1 2021 to October 30, 2021)? [All Countries]

f15. Where do/did you sell goods for your business in the last 3 months (August 1 2021 to October 30, 2021)? [All Countries]

f16. Does your business have a valid business licence? [All Countries]

f17. What was your main source of finance for setting up the BUSINESS? [All Countries]

f19. What problems if any have you had in running your BUSINESS in the past 3 months (August 1 2021 to October 30, 2021) [All Countries]