Report Filters

General Overview [All Countries]

b101. What were the major uses of land by the household in the last 3 months (01-Aug-2021 to 30-Oct-2021) [All Countries]

b102. What was the tenure status of plots of land accessed by the household in the last 3 months (01-Aug-2021 to 30-Oct-2021) [All Countries]

b102. What is the size of plot accessed by household in the last 3 months (01-Aug-2021 to 30-Oct-2021) [All Countries]

b103. Are plots of land managed or used by more than one household? [All Countries]

b104. How often did the hosedhold pay for lease of land, if any in the last 3 months (01-Aug-2021 to 30-Oct-2021) [All Countries]

b105. What is the average time (walking minutes) you take to travel from your Plot of land to nearest road? [All Countries]

b106. What is the average time (walking minutes) you take to get from your plot of land to your household? [All Countries]

Which CEREALS did you cultivate in the last 3 months (August 1 2021 to October 30 2021) [All Countries]

Which ROOTS or TUBERS did you cultivate in the last 3 months (August 1 2021 to October 30 2021) [All Countries]

Which VEGETABLES did you cultivate in the last 3 months (August 1 2021 to October 30 2021) [All Countries]

Which LEGUMES or NUTS did you cultivate in the last 3 months (August 1 2021 to October 30 2021) [All Countries]

Which FRUITS did you cultivate in the last 3 months (August 1 2021 to October 30 2021) [All Countries]

Which OTHER CROPS did you cultivate in the last 3 months (August 1 2021 to October 30 2021) [All Countries]

c106. If you sold any crop, where was the CROP sold in the last 3 months (August 1 2021 to October 30 2021) [All Countries]

c107. Time taken to travel to point of sale of crops using the normal mode of transportation (including walking) [All Countries]

c109. Does your household reserve seeds or planting materials for replanting? [All Countries]

Which of the following LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY did you raise or you sold in the last 3 months (August 1 2021 to Ocbober 30 2021) [All Countries]

d101. What was the major Purpose of raising Livestock or Poultry? [All Countries]