Report Filters

General Overview [All Countries]

g101. Not enough food to eat; During the last 1 MONTH, was there a time when, because of lack of money, lack of access to natural resources, or other environmental factors you were worried you or another household member would not have enough food to eat? [All Countries]

g102. Unable to eat healthy and nutritious foods; During the last 1 MONTH, was there a time when, because of lack of money, lack of access to natural resources, or other environmental factors you or another household member were unable to eat healthy and nutritious foods? [All Countries]

g103. Ate only a few kinds of foods; During the last 1 MONTH, was there a time when, because of lack of money, lack of access to natural resources, or other environmental factors you or another household member ate only a few kinds of foods? [All Countries]

g104. Had to skip a meal; During the last 1 MONTH, was there a time when, because of lack of money, lack of access to natural resources, or other environmental factors you or another household member had to skip a meal? [All Countries]

g105. Ate less than you thought you should; During the last 1 MONTH, was there a time when, because of lack of money, lack of access to natural resources, or other environmental factors you or another household member ate less than you thought you should? [All Countries]

g106. Household ran out of food; During the last 1 MONTH, was there a time when, because of lack of money, lack of access to natural resources, or other environmental factors your household ran out of food? [All Countries]

g107. Household member were hungry but did not eat; During the last 1 MONTH, was there a time when, because of lack of money, lack of access to natural resources, or other environmental factors you or another household member were hungry but did not eat? [All Countries]

g108. Went without eating for a whole day; During the last 1 MONTH, was there a time when, because of lack of money, lack of access to natural resources, or other environmental factors you or another household member went without eating for a whole day? [All Countries]

g109. Do you feel the members of your household have sufficient access to or supply of healthy local food? [All Countries]

h101. Was reference CHILD (6-24months) breastfed yesterday during day or night? [All Countries]

[24 HR Recall DD], Meals eaten by REF CHILD (6-24months) in the last 24-hours (yesterday) [All Countries]

[24 HR Recall DD], Meals eaten by REF WOMAN (15-49 years) in the last 24-hours (yesterday) [All Countries]

h104. [24 HR Recall DD], Food groups consumed by both Ref Child (6-24 Months) and Ref Woman (15-49Yrs) in last 24 Hours [All Countries]

h104. [24 HR Recall DD], Key Ingredients consumed by both Ref Child (6-24 Months) and Ref Woman (15-49Yrs) in last 24 Hours [All Countries]